Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Tusker Frigate FFA - Prizes

While I wasn't able to make it myself, the Tuskers Frigate FFA last weekend appears to have been an incredible success. With over two thousand kills in four hours and over 150 particpants in local at any given time, most of the people who I've spoken to have called it one of the best, if not the best, PVP experiences that they've ever had.

As promised, we've now announced the lucky winners of our fairly extensive range of prizes. What's more, these aren't just limited to participants - some of our 'guests' have also received prizes just for coming along and making the event what it was, so go ahead and check out the prize list to see if your name is on it.

Prizes are below, or you can find the the original list here. Prizes will be contracted from Jita 4/4 in almost all cases.

And my wolf pack... it grew by oneNewest Tusker to join inWolf5Jude Lloyd
I think I like how this web works….First person to fly a DaredevilVigilant1CPTBUDDMANIAC
Looks like they had some spares…..Most Thrasher killsThrasher 20Yamoto Grotto
Thrasher 20Saidra Whitewolf
Thrasher 10Radgette
I don't need no stinking tank…..Flew Atron with least tankTaranis2Yamoto Grotto
Versatility is the name of the game….Flew all 4 races worth of shipsSFI5Russel Owen
Hand in hand with FalconFlew an ECM boatSabre1space chikun
Move swiftRifter with most speed modsFiretail20Bayan Merkid
All talk, no actionMost disappointing participationPhantasm1Poetic Stanziel
The capacitor is empty is a lie…..Gankiest ExecutionerOmen Navy1Redamok Houssa
I like the feel of this….Top damage on Legionnaire's MegaNavy Mega1Gothmog VanMorgoth
Missiles and speed go hand in hand…..Condor with most damage & speedMalediction2Morticia Sable
Slice 'n' Dice - BushidoMost Dramiel killsSlicer25Redamok Houssa
Imagine the potential…..Most ASBs on KestrelHawk5FinalKnight
Look how tanky I am…..Tankiest MerlinHarpy5Jessica Danikov
Drones are the name of the gameMost Ishkur killsGila1Rouge the Bat
Need backup, overMost FN Comet lossesFN Comet5Bogdan Yassavi
En-your-face!Most Enyo kills in a blaster boatEnyo5Naoru Kozan
Runs far, runs fastLooted the PLEX and got away with itDramiel5Ouoman
Born to be wildMost lossesDaredevil5Eli Green
There's always one…..Only person to lose a unique frigateCynabal1Janos Audronn
Honour is strong in this oneMost ECM killsCoercer50Siuil A'run
So many mids……..First Helios killHookbill20Edward Tivruskii
Continue with the operation;
you may fire when ready.
Most kills in a Laser boatNavy Geddon1Redamok Houssa
Early Bird Catches the Worm!First blood!Worm5Renai Buren
Luck of the drawRaffleNavy Vexor


  1. Karbox Delacroix31 October 2012 at 15:44

    Most disappointing participation: Poetic Stanziel

    Tuskers: Masters of PvP, Masters of Comedy Gold!

    1. Heh.

      When do these contracts happen? Phantasm! It has a built in dagger, for backstabbing!

    2. believe sulei is suffering from not training market skills so he cant have a lot of contracts up
      which means contracts will come up whenever the previous gets acepted

  2. Very cool... I wish I had been available to participate :/ Maybe next time.

  3. Had to happen when I was taking a month off EVE, didn't it. congrats to whoever lost the unique frigate, any news on what it was?

    1. Unfortunately this one might be less exciting than it sounds - I think it just means unique in that he was the only person to fly one, not that the frigate itself was a unique ship.

      From the killboard, it looks like it was a Sentinel.

    2. Ah fair enough. Actually that's surprising if true, i'd have thought there would be quite a few sentinels flown.

  4. Pirate eve ships are reward ! I'll sign up for the next one :)

  5. Had a blast at this event. Can't wait for the next one. Hopefully they will have a most risk averse prize so I can win something ;)


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