Thursday, 23 June 2011

As It Was, So It Shall Be

Eve politics is an interesting thing. It seems that events have a way of just picking up momentum by themselves, and before you know it you're already looking back from a place that can be quite definitively labelled as 'not what I had in mind', wondering where exactly the turning point was.

That's how the North felt to us. When we originally moved to Venal we did so looking for good fights with a bit of strategy on the side. The DRF were only just beginning their attack on Geminate, and as far as we were concerned it was just Agony moving into an npc region to mess with the locals - par for the course. As the situation developed and the Northern War ran its course, we somehow found ourselves part of the biggest offensive coalition in eve, flying as grunts in the war against the NC. Even now, I couldn't honestly tell you how that happened.

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Know Your Enemy - T2 Frigates (Part 1)

This post is now out of date. For the updated version, see Know Your Enemy - Assault Frigates

Understanding the capabilities of different ships is a great advantage in eve pvp. This is a valuable skill for anyone, but especially useful for FCs, scouts, and anyone engaging in solo or small gang pvp.

In part two of this series, we're going to begin taking a look at the t2 frigate lineup. For me, this is where things become really interesting. T1 ships tend to be all-rounders; while some are better than others in a certain respect, none of them are particularly specialised. In t2 however, ships begin to fit into more of a defined role. While this makes them very effective at what they do, it also gives them weaknesses which can potentially be exploited.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Know Your Enemy - T1 Frigates

Note: This article is now out of date. Head over to the Article Index page to see the updated list.

Understanding the capabilities of different ships is a great advantage in eve pvp. This is a valuable skill for anyone, but especially useful for FCs, scouts, and anyone engaging in solo or small gang pvp.

If you're like me, you've probably already spent hours poring over ship attribute tabs, talking to pilots, or EFTing fits for anything and everything just to see what they're capable of. If you're not... well... this article might just come in useful to you!

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Break Break FC - Fleet Comms in PVP

When you're out PVPing with other people, being able to communicate effectively is really important. This doesn't necessarily mean being strict on comms - some people will have their own preferences regarding comms discipline - however there are a few simple guidelines which will make your life much easier.

The Altruist is the Eve Online blog of Azual Skoll, PVP instructor and small gang PVPer.

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