
Wednesday 29 December 2010

Intelligence & Counter-intelligence, Part 1 - Because Knowing is Half the Battle

This is intended as the first of a number of articles dealing with intelligence in Eve PVP.

All cliches aside, the more you know about a situation before you commit to it, and the better you're able to control what your opponent knows, the easier things are going to be for you. The former allows you to avoid situations you don't want, and capitalise on those you do. The latter lets you convince your opponent to do exactly the opposite.

This article is going to focus on the first of those two points.

Friday 26 November 2010

The Rise of the Afterburner - Debunking the Myths of Speed Tanking

I hear a lot of discussion regarding speed tanking, especially from newer players. It seems like there are a number of myths regarding this subject, and I thought I'd take this opportunity to clear a few of them up.

When people talk about 'speed tanking', they tend to lump together two concepts which are in fact, very much seperate:

  1. The ability to outrun your opponent's tracking speed.
  2. The ability to kite, disengage and control range.

To understand why people make this connection, we need to look back in history a little.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Solo PVP in 0.0, or the art of incerceptor fishing

So I was browsing the Eve University forum earlier today, and noticed a thread by a new player asking how to go about learning solo pvp. There were a number of good responses already however they were mostly related to lowsec, so I decided to chip in with the 0.0 perspective.

A few walls of text in, I realised - I could probably write about this for quite a while, and it might be useful to a wider audience than just the guy asking the question. And so, the blog was born!

There's a lot that can be said about solo pvp, and indeed pvp in general, but I'm going to start off by going through a fairly basic, but common tactic used when out pvping on your own. In Agony, we call this tactic 'Interceptor Fishing'.